Curator's visit with Mawena Yehoussi With Josèfa Ntjam, and Mawena Yehoussi Associated program Wednesday 29 November 2023
Opening of the exhibition « matter gone wild » With Josèfa Ntjam, and Mawena Yehouessi Monday 13 November 2023
Launching of the third issue of DÉCOR magazine With Elise Legal, , Bertrand Gauguet, and Olivier Bienz À l'auditorium Wednesday 8 November 2023
Conversation with Hugo Pernet With Hugo Pernet, and Jill Gasparina À l'auditorium Wednesday 25 October 2023
Guest Program - Launch of Turpentine issue 14th With Jean-Luc Blanc, and Ana Lucia À la librairie Wednesday 27 September 2023
Screening of the film "Deep Listening : The Story of Pauline Oliveros" With IONE, and Daniel Weintraub À l'auditorium Thursday 21 September 2023