The cycles

Every Wednesday, the Auditorium of the Fondation Pernod Ricard hosts a new debate organised by our programmers. This key fixture has contributed to building the Fondation’s identity for many years now: generous, openminded about art and social concerns, it responds in a timely manner to the evolution of some of the sensibilities that are shaping our present.

Poésie Plateforme

Among the programmes developed by the Fondation Pernod Ricard, the one devised by the author of poetry and art teacher Jérôme Mauche offers a formula that is now well-established: two or sometimes three guests meet to talk about their practices together, even when they do not seem to maintain any particular connections...

Entretiens sur l’art

Art critic, essayist and teacher Jill Gasparina has conducted interviews about art for three years now. These interviews dwell on the career paths and backgrounds of the guest artists, focusing on their art practice, and notably attributing an important role to the material conditions of their work.

< input >

Entrusted to the journalist and critic Julien Bécourt, specialising in contemporary art, cinema and music, the < input > programme aims to help us hear the bonds that unite the visual and sound arts...

Paris Performances

For several years now, we have chosen to assign our performance-based events programme to artists whose practice, mostly belonging to this field, also navigates within other disciplines. After Julie Bena and Flora Bouteille, who have respectively explored the language prior to performative production and experimented with audience engagement in collaborative productions, it is now Pauline Ghersi and Liv Schulman who will guide us.

The auditorium

Directly linked to our exhibitions, Programme Associé [Associated Programme] systematises encounters with artists and curators who, through their work, occupy our space for a given period. The precious words of those who are constructing our artistic line will therefore be the focus of a public discussion. Another event devised with these individuals will allow us to encounter the work from an unexpected angle: poetry, dance, music or any other form of artistic praxis possible.