In his last work, titled Ecostream, Guillaume Janot explores through photography a few artificial or recreated environments.
In his last work, titled Ecostream, Guillaume Janot explores through photography a few artificial or recreated environments.
Judicaël Lavrador has been chosen as the curator for this 11th edition of the Ricard Foundation Prize. He will introduce nine French artists who have immigrated to or emigrated from France.
The exhibition is a commemorative project around the figure of Marbœuf, and brings together art works from all disciplines (plastic arts, literature, fashion, music, architecture…), thus giving shape to the imaginary existence of the character.
Pragmatismus & Romantismus associates two opposed notions that entail two attitudes. While Pragmatismus privileges experience, action, and the concrete conditions of production of works of art, Romantismus sees everything as twofold, under the sign of irony and contradiction (death within life, the possible within the real, what is not yet within what is). Pragmatismus & Romantismus thus defines a contradictory operation.
Phoenix versus Babel features the works of ten Berlin-based artists with different backgrounds.
The Fondation d’entreprise Ricard will present the exhibition « The consistency of the visible » from October 10 to November 22. Nicolas Bourriaud will serve as curator for the exhibition.