
Paris Performance : Les Mots troubles #5 / Cabaret with Julie Béna

Les Mots troubles #5 brings together artists Fatma Cheffi, Zoé Couppé, Marcel Devillers, Nelle Gevers, Than Hussein Clark, Marc-Aurèle Ngoma, Harilay Rabenjamina, liv schulman and HaYoung.

"For this fifth and final session, Julie invited me to imagine the evening with her. I'm an independent curator, I teach art history and I write almost every day. For a number of years now, Julie and I have been nurturing a discussion about the everyday nature of artistic work, the material conditions of our existence, creativity, childhood, old age, theater, cultural institutions, domestic life, motherhood and mental and reproductive health.

For this latest opus, we have chosen to work together: as curators together, as performers together, even if this doesn't exactly correspond to our usual roles. Les Mots troubles #5 is an evening of performances that brings to a close a year of research, encounters and performances at the Fondation Ricard, conceived by artist Julie Béna from her desire to organize "a program of encounters around text in its oral dimension".

Eva Barois De Caevel