Olaf Breuning

Born in 1970 in Switzerland.
Clouds, Public Art Fund, Friedman Plaza, New York, US
Groups, Haifa Museum of Art, Haifa, IL
Do Not, Art Cube, Artist Studios Jerusalem, IL
Home 3 Screening, The Modern Institute Oxford, Oxford, UK
Home 3 Screening, ICA London, London, UK
Home 1/2/3, Metro Pictures, New York, US
Camelops Femina, Carbon 12, Dubai, AE
The Grid, Paul Klee Museum, Bern, CH (ongoing)
Home 3, IMA Brisbane, Brisbane, AU
Home 3 Screening, Swiss Institute, New York, US
Home 2, IMA Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, AU
Human / Nature, Box, Pippy Houldsword Gallery, London, GB
Art Freaks, Metro Pictures, NY
Art Freaks Palais de Tokyo, Paris, FR
Drommeland, Kunsten Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg
Elevation 1049, Luma Foundation, Gstaad, CH
Protect me from what i am, Galerie Dina Renninger, Munich, DE
Broken, Slapstick, Comedy and Black Humor, Haus der Kunst, Munich, DE
Close Encounters, Carbon 12, Dubai, AE
Os Tropicos, Centro Cultural CAIXA, Sao Paulo, BR
Gastspiel, Museum Rietberg, Zuerich, CH
Is it much too much to ask, not to hide behind the mask? Old Room, New york, US
Group Show, (Tony Matelli, John Miller) Gary Tatintsian Gallery, Moscow, RU
Bash, Woodstock Byridcliffe Guilt, Woodstock, US
Triennale de l’image contemparaine, Kunstahalle Umenia Kosice, Slovakia, SK
Landmark, The Somerset House, London, UK
Cultural Freedom in Europe, Goethe-Institute, Brussels, BE
Move!, Sesc Belenzinho, Sao Paulo, BR
Air/Port, Beauty Without Irony, Essaouira, MA
A Perfect Day, Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam, NL
Cover Up (second version), Musuem of Art in Bochum, DE
Display/Replay, Maison de la Culture Frontenac, CA