Sophie Bueno-Boutellier

Represented by the galleries The approach, London, and Freymond-Guth, Basel.
1999 – 2001 Villa Arson, Nice, FR
2017 Le Don de Gaïa, The Approach gallery, London, UK
2016 La Ritournelle du Peuple des Cuisines, Fondation d’entreprise Ricard, curator : Dorothée Dupuis, Paris, FR
2015 Life seems unreal, can we go back to your place? Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich, CH
2014 Occupy Painting, curated by Max Henry, Autocenter, Berlin, DE
2014 They sing a song only you can hear, The Approach, London, UK
2013 Fiac, solo presentation with Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich, CH
2013 Let me steal this moment from you now, Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich, CH
2013 Frieze New York, solo presentation with Circus Gallery, New York, USA
2012 C‘est à crier tellement c‘est bleu, Circus, Berlin, DE
2011 Adriatique… 3 Heures du Matin, Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich, CH
2011 Pensée Sauvage, Kunstverein Langenhagen, Langenhagen, DE
2010 Les Adorateurs des Bêtes, Circus, Berlin, DE
2010 I was born for the purpose that crucifies your mind, with Gerda Scheepers, Samsa, Berlin, DE
2009 A knock on the window pane, Galerie Carlos Cardenas, Paris, FR
2009 Calendrier de l l‘Âme: Inspiration, CIRCUS, Berlin / Calendrier de l‘Âme: Expiration Chert, Berlin, DE (collaborative project)
2008 Oursin fossile, Solo presentation, Present Future Artissima,Curated by Aurélie Voltz, Torino, IT
2008 Remind Us That Saturn’s Rings Are Not Eternal, Atelier Cardenas-Bellanger, Paris, FR
2007 Lunar Odyssey, Beton-Salon, Museums Quartier, Vienna, AT
2004 Lux Natura, L‘ancienne école, Marato, FR
2004 Taylor-Burton, Espace Diamant, Ajaccio, Corsica, FR
White Noise, Kunsthaus Glarus, CH
Rotrixagatze, On Stellar Rays, New York, USA
DIZIONARIO DI PITTURA, Francesca Minini, Milano, IT
Occupy Painting, curated by Max Henry, Autocenter, Berlin, DE
SLIP, The Approach, London, UK
Beyond the Object, BrandNew Gallery, Milano, IT
Song of myself, Galleria 1/9unosunove, Rome, IT
Plenitude, cur. Stephan Tanbin Sastrawidjaja, Carl Freedman Gallery, London, UK
My Body Is A Cage, Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich, CH
Archéologie(s), cur. Aurèlie Voltz, Musée du château des ducs de Wurtemberg, Montbéliard, FR
The Possessed, Triangle France, Marseille, FR
Into the Woods, curated by Daria de Beauvais, La Galerie des Galeries Lafayette, Paris, FR
There are two sides to every coin, and two sides to your face, curated by Carlos Cardenas, Galerie Xippas, Paris, FR
Lumière Noire – Neue Kunst aus Frankreich, Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, DE
From Anna Blume, curated by Sandra Teitge, Autocenter, Berlin, DE
HIC – l‘exposition de la forme des idées, Villa Arson, Nice, FR
I can’t forget, but I don’t remember what, with Rosy Keyser & Karin Suter, Freymond-Guth, Zurich, CH
I was born for the purpose that crucifies your mind, Sophie Bueno–Boutellier, & Gerda Scheepers, Samsa, Berlin, DE
Cometa rossa, with Athanasios Argianas and Giulio Frigo, Fluxia Gallery, Milan, IT !
Be Yourself, Burning Bridges, New York NY, USA
Antidote 5, curated by Guillaume Houzé, Groupe Galeries Lafayette, Paris, FR
L‘image cabrée, Prix Ricard nominée exhibition, curated by Judicaël Lavrador, Fondation d‘entreprise Ricard pour l‘art contemporain, Paris, FR
Ohne die Anwesenheit von Abwesenheit kein Nichts, with Sophie-Bueno Boutellier, Peter Lober and Filipa Raposo, CIRCUS, Berlin, DE
MAYDAY, Rental gallery, New York, USA
Visions nocturnes, La galerie, Noisy-le-sec, FR
The measure of value, curated by Klaus Winichner, Berlin, DE
NIVEAUARLAM , Kunstraum Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AT (Cat)
Faces, showroom berlin, Berlin, DE Schickeria: Nacht der Süßen Bienen im Glaskasten KMA, Berlin, DE
On achève bien les chevaux/Nur den Pferden gibt man den Gnadenschuss, Pferdeställe, Berlin, DE
Unsere Affekte fliegen aus dem Bereich der menschlichen Wirklichkeit heraus, Galerie Sandra Bürgel, Berlin, DE
All we ever wanted was Everything, Centre d’art contemporain la Synagogue de Delme, Delme, FR (Cat)
Quand la neige fond où va le blanc?, Galerie Soardi, Nice, FR
Paris-Londres : le voyage interieur curated by Alex Farquharson & Alexis Vaillant, Espace Electra, Paris, FR (Cat)
Boundless, Stenersenmuseet, Oslo, NO
Jean-Luc Verna / Raymond Pettibon, invitation of Jean Luc Verna, BFAS Blondeau Fine Art Services, Geneva, CH
Floating Bowl, attitudes- espace d‘arts contemporains, Geneva, CH
Lee 3 Tau Ceti Central Armory Show, Villa Arson, Nice, FR (Cat)
JLV vous n‘êtes pas un peu beaucoup maquillé ?, invitation of Jean Luc Verna, Galerie Air de Paris, Paris, FR
Salons, boudoirs et antichambres, C.N.E.A.I, Chatou, FR
TigerLand, Frac Basse-Normandie, Caen, FR
Participation and collaboration with « le 27éme Stratagéme“ for the 3éme countryside of posters « we few we happy few we band of brother“, C.N.E.A.I, Chatou, FR
Artists-in-Residence Program, CCA Andratx, Mallorca
Residency David Roberts Art Foundation, London, UK !
Residency “Triangle” in the Tadrart, Algerian part of the Sahara, DZ
Residency „Quartier 21, MuseumsQuartier“, Vienna, AT
Residency „la Box“, Bourges, France, FR
« l‘age d‘or“, Berlin, DE
Residency « Artco“, invitation of Gabrielle VITTE, Ajaccio, Corsica, FR
Chris Sharp, Critics’ Picks: Les Possédé(e)s,, May 2012
Sophie Bueno–Boutellier, Kunstverein Langenhagen, Langenhagen, Revolver Verlag
Flash Art International, review by Laura Schleussner, November–December issue
MAP Magazine, »Arbitrating Space«, by Steven Cairns, issue 21 / Spring 2010
Artforum, review by Marco Tagliafierro 2009 Flash Art International, »Calendrier de l‘Âme«, review by Aurelié Voltz, no. 267, July–September issue
Sophie Bueno-Boutellier, Kunstverein Langenhagen, Revolver Publishing, DE
L‘image cabrée / 11è Prix Fondation d‘entreprise Ricard, Fondation Ricard, Paris, FR
NIVEAUARLAM, Kunstraum Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AT
La Synagogue de Delme, édition Les presses du réel
Paris-londres : le voyage interieur catalogue
Lee 3 Tau Ceti Central Armory Show, Villa Arson