Book launch and performance UPCYCLE YOURSELF
A performance by Maroussia Rebecq and Anne Plaignaud
On the occasion of the release of the monographic fanzine Pleased to meet you Maroussia Rebecq published by Semiose, the artist, designer and fashion activist Maroussia Rebecq imagines a two-voice performance with the philosopher Anne Plaignaud, in the amphitheater of the Pernod Ricard Foundation.
Nourished by texts resulting from their exchanges over the last few years, the performance stages the illustration of an artistic practice by thought patterns, and links video, drawings, note-taking and performance simultaneously. The dialogue between the artist and the thinker allows both to develop Maroussia Rebecq’s abundant and multi-directional reflection, and to try to concentrate it, as if to make the infinite pass through a funnel.
Around the key concept of upcycle yourself, the artist’s mantra, emerges a movement of renewal, a way of constantly reinventing oneself. This swirling energy is inscribed in the contemporary need to think about the rebirth of the world, « to refound the imaginary of the 21st century and to dare to dream a desirable future. »
Maroussia Rebecq deploys her textile practice and her social commitment in a performative and protean work, which articulates art, fashion, body, ecology and philosophy.