Estefanía Penafiel Loaiza / Céline Ahond
What narratives do images convey? How is language constructed? For this final session in the third season of Partitions/Scores (Performances), Estefania Peñafiel Loaiza and Céline Ahond are proposing to broach the relation of image to language by way of two propositions involving the formation of images and their potential in the construction of a narrative. By borrowing as much from semiology as from linguistics, they come up with two forms of narratives introducing the methods peculiar to the madia used: photography for one, video for the other.
Estefania Peñafiel Loaiza / Tentative d’Egarement/ Attempt at Distraction
Starting from topical and archival documents, recording traces left by history in the territory, Estefania Peñafiel Loaiza uses imagery to question how to illustrate these transformations, less through the imagery’s capacity to show than through what they repress or hide. Mixing the archival mdocuments of an old hotel in Beirut with photographs taken by her during a residency in Lebanon, she shows us nothing less than a history of the formation of images, their appearances and their potential when it comes to evoking a history of places and their past occupants.
Born in Ecuador, Estefania Peñafiel Loaiza lives and work in Paris. She is represented by the Galerie Alain Gutharc. She had a solo show at the Ivry Contemporary Art centre – Le Crédac: the episodic space in June 2014.
Céline Ahond / You See What I Mean?
With this video/performance, Céline Ahond pays tribute to Yvon Nouzille, an atypical art world figure: a gallery owner aspiring to be a watchman, “option-art”, transforming different areas in a housing project at Porte de Vincennes into nothing less than an outdoor art centre. Returning to the premises, she proposes to film actions and gestures on a 1:1 scale, reducing the gap between the degree of realtity of the scene recorded and the way it is produced. “What does imagery say? What does sound write?” The questions raised at the start of the project invite us to think about the relation between representation and the scene represented, broaching the abstraction of language and the possible differences between words and their written transcription.
Born in Clermont-Ferrand, Céline Ahond lives and works in Paris and Clermont-Ferrand, where she is currently an associate artist researcher in the ESCAM Cooperative. The project being presented at the Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard has enjoyed the backing of the Centre National des Arts Plastiques (support for the development of artistic research), the Ministry of Culture and Communication, the ESCAM research cooperative, in co-production with APDV (A perte de vue) and BBB art centre, Toulouse.