Martin Le Chevallier / Virginie Poitrasson
The Partitions (Performances) program began last year in the form of an open seminar of artistic practices borrowing its sources and methodologies from types of knowledge situated outside art. The second season starts with the interventions of writer Virginie Poitrasson and artist Martin Le Chevallier, each of them proposing a distinct reflection on their personal and professional activity as seen through the prism of marketing tools.
Martin Le Chevallier / L’Audit (Processus de Consulting)
Can the tools of marketing be applied to the profession of artist? Can corporate logic and artistic approach converge? A positive answer is implied in the initiative taken by the artist back in 2008: he commissioned a consulting firm specialized in auditing to analyze his art work using business tools. From market positioning to growth strategies to prospective studies, the analyst mobilizes a vocabulary usually absent from discourses on art. With a Powerpoint presentation as a backdrop, Martin Le Chevallier presents the results of the audit and its possible consequences on his career.
Virginie Poitrasson / Nous sommes des dispositifs
For this performance, Virginie Poitrasson questions the scrambled identities resulting from the advent of virtual worlds in our reality and the position of contemporary humans in the face of surveillance and control processes. Forcing us to normalize our behavior and stay clear of the margins, these paradoxically tend to create the opposite effect. Re-appropriating the linguistic codes of marketers and advertisers, Poitrasson denounces the control and regulation of bodies in our society today.