
Poésie Plateforme with Liliane Giraudon and Georgia René-Worms, animated by Jérôme Mauche

Liliane Giraudon and Georgia René-Worms with Jérôme Mauche
Liliane Giraudon and Georgia René-Worms with Jérôme Mauche

This “Platform Poetry” session took place on Wednesday January 10 at the Auditorium of the Pernod Ricard Foundation and invited Georgia René-Worms, artist and exhibition curator - among others - and Liliane Giraudon, poet and designer - among others. others . This dialogue between them, which has been going on for several years now, crosses their lives, their multiple and material practices, time, bodies, illnesses, the text, always under the sign of research. Their public attempt that evening will be to make this active affinity visible, to publish - in some way - this creative and friendly intimacy.