Anna Ternon


Attracted by the geosciences and the sciences of human life, Anna Ternon has developed a research-creation project around the links between what she calls geological bodies and human bodies. As part of her thesis at the SACRe laboratory (EA 7410), she is exploring her subject by experimenting with different modes of collective reflection and production, enabling her to extend the notion of link to the way in which research is carried out. Trained in dramatic art and then at the École des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, the artist-researcher favours a protean and transdisciplinary approach to her work, bringing her into contact with varied and always extraordinarily nourishing ways of doing research. She regularly collaborates with researchers in the geosciences, the life sciences and the human and social sciences. This diversity has prompted her to offer this approach to encounters with people who are not experts in her subject, inviting them to start from their own life experiences and enter into research from their own bodies.