
Book Launch : "Building a Home with Time" by Stéphanie Saadé

Fondation Pernod Ricard is pleased to host the launch of "Building a Home with Time", Stéphanie Saadé's first monograph published by Verlag für moderne Kunst. The presentation of the book will be in the presence of the artist and will be accompanied by a dialogue with the curator Marjolaine Lévy.

"Building a Home with Time" is the title of a work by Stéphanie Saadé, but also of her exhibition presented at the Centre Pasquart in Bienne, Switzerland this year, at the invitation of Stefanie Gschwend. It is on this occasion that this new work was conceived and produced.

Born in Lebanon in 1983, Stéphanie Saadé lives and works between Beirut, Paris and Amsterdam. Stéphanie Saadé's work develops a language of suggestion, playing on the poetic and the metaphor. She gives us clues, signs, tracks without images and sometimes silent, which answer each other like words in a single sentence. It is up to us, the spectators, to decipher them, like an archaeologist facing traces, fossils, fragments. The enigma often lies in the personal history of the artist.