Entretiens sur l'art with Cindy Coutant

On Wednesday May 22, artist Cindy Coutant was Jill Gasparina's guest for the “Entretiens sur l'art” cycle.

Born in 1984, Cindy Coutant is an artist, researcher, publisher and teacher. She lives and works in Geneva. Her work begins with light forms such as poetic writing and spoken performance. It then mutates, gradually embracing programming, video, installation, translation and publishing. Today, both her work and her exhibitions are built around a sophisticated mix of visual, sound and material fragments drawn from pop and SF culture, alongside acerbic, often humorous, critiques of major technological narratives. Cindy Coutant has also developed a collaborative practice over the years. She works regularly with electronic musician Théo Pozoga. In 2020, she created the l4bouche collective with writer and researcher Estelle Benazet Heugenhauser, a tool that enables them to cross art, literature and theory, and open portals between the digital world and the very physical reality in which our bodies move, sometimes bursting with energy, sometimes exhausted. Together, they have translated, edited and exhibited the textual and visual work of American theorist Zoé Sofia. For l4bouche, as for this pioneer of cyberfeminism and inventor of a “sexo-semiotics of technology”, the notion of a “collapsed future” is central, and the spectre of extinction is reversed in the desire for action.

Entrusted since 2021 to critic and curator Jill Gasparina, the “Entretiens sur l'art”, which for more than 20 years has been drawing up a formidable collection of artists' words, will from now on carefully scrutinize the materiality and conditions of emergence of the works of the invited artists.