Une photographie polymorphe
Patrick Javault is welcoming Jean-Luc Moulène and the writer Daniel Foucard.
Without worrying over whether he is more of a visual artist, a reporter, or a portraitist, Jean-Luc Moulène has been using photography as a mode of exploration that cannot be reduced to a single practice. For quite a while now he has been making objects and sculptures that are like an extension of photography through different means. With these objects and sculptures, he posits, adjusts, adds to a certain idea of art. Moulène’s statements may on occasion be disconcerting: he sometimes introduces himself as a libertarian technician and – with even less hesitation – a mystic, all the while claiming le Grand Jeu as a major influence, before any other artistic school. In the company of writer Daniel Foucard, who has recently published Casse (Éditions Léo Scheer), a novel partly based on an artistic gesture, we will certainly talk about photography with Moulène, but also about things that more or less have to do with it.