Lignes de Chance

« Arts holds a knowledge about us that exceeds any other, and this knowledge takes the form of drawings, not a language.»
Jean Luc Nancy, Le plaisir au dessin, Editions Galilée, p 63
On the occasion of the salon of contemporary drawing, the Fondation d’entreprise Ricard and the Ecole Nationale supérieure des Beaux-arts de Paris present the work of students and recent graduates of the school for whom the practice of drawing is fundamental.
« The traditionnal relation between drawing and idea, the possibility of observing the creative process itself through the traces it leaves, now enhanced by new techniques and materials, open different perspectives on the space and materiality of contemporary drawing.
The aim of the exhibition presented at the Fondation d’entreprise Ricard is to introduce a series of graphic works by over twenty creators – all from the ENSBA – for whom it is a central practice and a means of expression of its own.
The practice of drawing typically involves traditional tools, but it may also use other, non-paper media. With serial drawing, installation drawing, mural drawing, drawing in movement, etc., the works exhibited show a great diversity of aesthetic choices and much singularity in the form or apparatus they depend on.
These works and their graphic experimentations attest to the emergence of new designs for what may be called « expanded drawing » (just as Novalis once wrote of « expanded poetry ») and its constant redefinition of the practice.»
Bernard Moninot