« The European seabass is a primarily ocean-going fish that sometimes enters brackish and fresh waters. Its habitats include estuaries, lagoons, coastal waters and rivers. It is found in the waters in and around Europe. It is mostly a night hunter, feeding on small fish, polychaetes, cephalopods and crustaceans. »
« The fish has come under increasing pressure from commercial fishing and has recently become the focus in the United Kingdom of a conservation effort by recreational anglers. In Italy the bass is the subject of intensive breeding in salt waters. In the Republic of Ireland, there are strict laws regarding bass. All commercial fishing for the species is banned and there are several restrictions in place for recreational anglers, a closed season May 15- June 15 inclusive every year, a minimum size of 400mm, and a bag limit of two fish per day.
European seabass was one of the first types of fish after salmon to be farmed commercially in Europe. The annual production is some 60,000 tonnes and is increasing quickly. »