Le rayonnement du corps noir

Le rayonnement du corps noir is a catalog and comprehensive monograph on the work of Laurent Grasso, while incorporating, in graphics and in the process , model of scientific textbooks, making up to the surface documents, images, informations used hidden scripts to parts. The book takes the projects from 1999 to now.

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Laurent Grasso, Christophe Kihm, Elie During, Marc-Olivier Wahler, Claire Staebler, Yoann Gourmel
les presses du réel
Supported by
Centre d'art contemporain d'Ivry-le Crédac, Fondation d'entreprise Ricard, Galeries Lafayette, Institut d'art contemporain, Villeurbanne & Rhône-Alpes, Espace culturel Louis Vuitton, Galerie chez Valentin, CNAP, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication
Date of publication
French/English (2 separate editions)
Number of pages
32.00 €