Ana Vaz

Ana Vaz is an artist and filmmaker born in the Brazilian midwest inhabited by the ghosts buried by its modernist capital: Brasília. Originally from the cerrado and wonderer by choice, Ana has lived in the arid lands of central Brazil and southern Australia, in the mangroves of northern France and in the northeastern shores of the Atlantic. Her filmography activates and questions cinema as an art of the (in)visible and instrument capable of dehumanising the human, expanding its connections with forms of life — other than human or spectral. Consequences or expansion of her cinematography, her activities are also embodied in writing, critical pedagogy, installations or collective walks.
Recent showings of her work include: It is Night in America, solo show at Jeu de Paume (Paris, France), Pivô (São Paulo, Brazil) and Escola das Artes (Porto, Portugal); Shéhérazade, at night, group show at Palais de Tokyo (Paris, France); Penumbra, group show at Complesso dell'Ospedaletto (Venice, Italy); Biennale Gherdëina (with Nuno da Luz), group show (Dolomites, Italy).
Recent screenings include Locarno Film Festival - Cineasti del Presente (Switzerland); Berlinale - Forum Expanded (Germany); New York Film Festival (USA); Artist in Focus: Ana Vaz, Courtisane (Ghent, Belgium); Rétrospective Ana Vaz, 5th Weekend of Latin American Cinema in Reflet Médicis (Paris, France). Her first feature film, É Noite na América (2022), has received awards in Locarno, Festival dei Popoli, Entrevues Belfort, FIDOCS.
Photo : (c) Ana Vaz, shooting of the film 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird (2020) made in Lisbon in collaboration with high school students Vera Amaral and Mário Neto.