Anaël Pigeat

Credit : Magdalena Recordon
Credit : Magdalena Recordon

Anaël Pigeat is an art critic and journalist, a graduate of the Courtauld Institute.

Anaël Pigeat is an art critic and journalist, a graduate of the Courtauld Institute. She was editor-in-chief of the Art Press magazine between 2011 and 2018. She then joined the team of the monthly The Art Newspaper France as editor-at-large, and contributes to the culture pages of Paris Match. She has created, produced and hosted the Phonomaton podcast since 2020. She has written in particular Cinéma Martial Raysse (Les Presses du Réel), L’Art en mouvement (La Martinière), Effervescence of painting in contemporary art (Flammarion)… She has curated several exhibitions, including “Entre tes yeux et les images que j’y vois” at the Fondation Pernod Ricard in 2022.