Eden Tinto Collins

Eden Tinto Collins lives and works in Paris.
Eden Tinto Collins (She/they/us) has developed her practice of visual arts through the National School of Fine Arts in Paris Cergy. Poet, hypermedia, or - Trobairitz, Meta, she explores the notions of networks and interdependence, f.r.ictions between melancholy, mythology, post, trans, see cyber-humanity, its devices are relational, noetic (to put in relation the thought and the spirit) and are translated by the sound, the voice, the installation, the video and the performance.
Her first story, Bonne Arrivée, was published in July 2021 in the collection fraîches fictions.
Eden Tinto Collins has been developing since 2021, in partnership with Societies, and the association Worms Prestige "l'acéphale studio", a third place, for residencies, workshops and workshops in joinville-le-Pont as well as a production structure at the initiative of several In Situ projects such as "Numin", (a space opera) and "A Pinch Of Kola" (a quantum sitcome).
Photo : (c) Marion Ellena