Galaxia Wang


Education: Geneva University of Art and Design (HEAD) (2013-2016) specialty - workmaster (master visual art) China central academy of fine arts (CAFA) (2008-2012) specialty - visual arts (painting, sculpture and video)

Galaxia Wang’s work is informed by his deep and intimate knowledge of Asian mythology and astrology. Thus, it is not uncommon to come across in the artist’s videos, paintings or photographs, a nine-tailed fox, a waterfall and its astral theme, an imaginary language – the Colossia -, a few lightning bugs or even northern lights. The artist is also closely interested in the political and social systems that govern both our interactions and perceptions. Questions of gender, sexuality and identity thus arise at the heart of his allegorical narratives and are intertwined with the docu-fictions he composes
Written by Séverine Fromaigeat