Yann Sérandour

Born in 1974, he is represented by Gb Agency gallery, Paris.
SOLO SHOWS (selection)
Cactus Cuttings, gb agency, Paris.
Yann Sérandour, Present Future, gb agency, Artissima 18, Turin (cur. Christophe Gallois).
Un temps nuageux avec la possibilité d’un rayon de soleil, gb agency, Paris.
(Perfect Lovers), Entre-deux, Nantes.
GROUP SHOWS (selection)
Une lettre arrive toujours à destinationS, La Panacée, Montpellier
Ephemera, MACRO, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Rome
La disparition des lucioles, Prison Sainte-Anne, Avignon.
Art by Telephone…Recalled, La Panacée, Centre de culture contemporaine, Montpellier.
.doc, École municipale des beaux-arts/galerie Édouard-Manet, Gennevilliers, (cur. label hypothèse).
A Gathering (cur. Maria-Thalia Carras, Olga Hatzidaki), Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, the Invisible Cities festival.
B.A.B.E, The Best Artists Books and Editors, Immanence, Paris.
A common Feeling, gb agency, Paris.
A Gathering, Greek Festival, Peiraros 260, Athènes.
An exhibition to Hear Read (cur. Mathieu Copeland), ICA Philadelphia.
Art by Telephone…Recalled
(cur. Sébastien Pluot et Fabien Vallos) Cneai, Chatou ; Esba Talm,
Angers ; CAPC, Bordeaux ; Emily Harvey Foundation, New York ; Art
Institute, San Francisco.