APRES COUP Postmoderne et postmodernisme With Christophe Kihm, Nicolas Vieillescaze and Cédric Vincent Lectures Monday 22 December 2008
Expense and Economic Crisis With Anthony Mahé, Nicolas Hirel and Benjamin Dard Lectures Friday 19 December 2008
L'art contemporain un phénomène de collection With Stéphane Corréard, Martin Bethenod, Fabien Chalon, Michel Poitevin, Frédérique Valentin, Pauline de la Boulaye, Nadia Candet, Marc-Olivier Deblanc and Aline Pujo Lectures Tuesday 9 December 2008
APRES COUP From Ecology to Politics: Towards a Philosophy of Action With Bastien Gallet, Patrick Degeorges, Charles Ruelle and Emilie Hache Lectures Monday 24 November 2008