Lancement de l'ouvrage Launch of the book «Scenario 21 12» With Giulia Grossmann, Vincent Basset, Julie Dabbagh, Mathilde Supe and Capucine Vever À la librairie Wednesday 19 December 2012
From the END of the world to the World HUNGER With Zygmunt Bauman, Gianni Vattimo and Patrick Tacussel Lectures Wednesday 12 December 2012
FLUXUS L'avant-garde en mouvement With Charles Dreyfus Pechkoff, Vincent Bouchot and Paul-Alexandre Dubois Tuesday 11 December 2012
La rumeur comme Jacques Serrano, "Rumour as aesthetic criteria" With Jacques Serrano, Pascal Froissart, Françoise Gaillard, Marc Halévy and Stephen Wright Lectures Wednesday 5 December 2012
Christian de Boisredon, "L'économie sociale et solidaire, le temps de la maturité ?" Tuesday 4 December 2012