Gérard Genette Codicille With Gérard Genette, Jean-Max Colard and Philippe Lançon Tuesday 26 May 2009
NEITHER DESPERATE NOR HOUSEWIVES the place of women in art today With Isabelle Alfonsi, Claire Moulène, Lili Reynaud-Dewar and Elisabeth Wetterwald Tuesday 19 May 2009
Récréation - Recréation With Claire Bardainne, Vincenzo Susca and Jean-François Colosimo Lectures Wednesday 13 May 2009
Fiction / Performed readings #7 With Claire Fercak, Daniel Foucard and short movie of Jordi Colomer Monday 4 May 2009
APRES COUP Gus Van Sant: before / after the «death of cinema» With Patrice Blouin, Stéphane Bouquet and Jean-Marc Lalanne Lectures Monday 27 April 2009