This monograph titled ABC B.A presents a collection of texts and critical essays taking the form of an alphabet primer. Twelve art critics, curators or writers chose a keyword as starting point to write a commentary on Boris Achour's practice. The publication also includes an iconographic documentation offering an overview of the artist's works.

The publication gathers the contributions of 12 authors: Jean-Pierre Criqui, Vanessa Desclaux, Stefanie Hessler, Jens Hoffmann, Claire Le Restif, Éric Mangion, Bernard Marcadé, Nathalie Quintane, Émilie Renard, and Chris Sharp. Some have collaborated with the artist in the past and some are new encounters. Of different generations and nationalities, they have disparate conceptions of art and critical writing, which results in a complementary collection of texts. Their essays are based on one keyword associated with a specific concept or notion, which helps bring new visions of Achour works and explore different issues. ABC B.A highlights the complexity and richness of 25 years of artistic practice. This project was initiated by Maki Suzuki, graphic designer at Åbäke and director of the publishing house Dent-De-Leone. Boris Achour (born 1966 in Marseille, lives and works in Paris) is a French artist. He also teaches at the École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts in Cergy. His work is characterized by its heterogeneity and its conceptual interest in the notions of fragment, unity, and connection. He has exhibited at the Museo Experimental El Eco in Mexico (2016), the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Bucharest (2016), the Allen Gallery, Paris (2016), the Venice Biennale (2015), the Centre Pompidou (2015), the MACVAL (2015)…

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Boris Achour, Jean-Pierre Criqui, Vanessa Desclaux, Stefanie Hessler, Jens Hoffmann, Claire Le Restif, Éric Mangion, Bernard Marcadé, Nathalie Quintane, Émilie Renard et Chris Sharp.
Date of publication
Number of pages
25.00 €