A Pinch of Kola by Eden Tinto Collins has entered the collections of the Centre Pompidou!

Photo : Say Who / Michaël Huard
Photo : Say Who / Michaël Huard

June 18, 2024 was the opening day at the Centre Pompidou for the video installation A Pinch of Kola by Eden Tinto Collins, laureate of the 24th Prix Fondation Pernod Ricard. The work is now part of the museum's collections and can be seen on level 4 until March 10, 2025.

Eden Tinto Collins' work:

A Pinch of Kola was born in 2020, from an original idea by Johanna Makabi. This video format combines the codes of sitcom and art film to feature the character of Jane Dark, played by artist Eden Tinto Collins. In this second season, Jane Dark finds herself teleported to Nantes, the city in which she must find her accomplices, except that very quickly, a dimension of the invisible world surfaces: the imaginary world.

Salt clogs the arteries: take life with a pinch of kola instead. This could be the subliminal message of A Pinch of Kola, a video installation of variable dimensions presented here in one of its many potential incarnations. Born in Essonne in 1991, Eden Tinto Collins studied at the École nationale supérieure d'arts de Paris-Cergy. Her “quantum sitcom” takes us on a journey to the very edge of televisual reality, tinged with psychedelia as much as Afrofuturism, and resolutely open to altered states of consciousness and other extra-sensory perceptions. The artist, who blends cinema, performance and music, operates in the hallucinatory wake of the great Sun Ra and his free cosmology. The tone of his story Bonne arrivée, published in 2021 by Presses du réel, is echoed here. In oblique homage to Vernon Sullivan, Boris Vian's pseudonym, and his most famous novel, Eden Tinto Collins had already warned us: “J'irai twerker sur vos tombes.” Drop everything: boarding now.” Center Pompidou

Written by Eden Tinto Collins, with Naël Zaiti -- Ruelle, Feriel Gaye, Adrien Peskine and Laora Giraux. With contributions from Nathaniel Tetteh Ogli and Benedict Kojo Quaye.
Original music by Nicolas Worms.

A Pinch of Kola (season 2), 2023
Complete Season 2 (4 episodes)
Digital video
16/9, color, French sound with English subtitles
76 min 11 s
Fresco: digital print on silk; deckchairs: natural wood, four-color print on polyester; cushions: four-color print on polyester; carpet: four-color print on polyester and PVC

Created by Eden Tinto Collins in 2023
A Pinch of Kola season 2 was supported by the France Relance and NextGenerationEU programs, “Mondes Nouveaux”, KADIST, and the Pernod Ricard Foundation.
Spinova - episode 1 season 2: 13 min 37 sec
Albédo - episode 2 season 2: 22 min 18 sec
La mise en Abyme - episode 3 season 2: 23 min 44 sec
JavaScript - episode 4 season 2: 16 min 32 sec


Opening program:

Speeches by Laurent Le Bon, President of the Centre Pompidou; Alexandre Ricard, Chairman and CEO of the Pernod Ricard Group; Xavier Rey, Director of the Musée National d'Art Moderne and Antonia Scintilla, Director of the Fondation Pernod Ricard.

Concert by Bibie followed by a DJ set by Gystère