
In addition to its exhibition program, the Fondation d’entreprise Pernod Ricard is also the sounding board of a thought in art and on art. Artists, theorists, critics and philosophers are invited to participate in cycles, conferences and events fostering debates about contemporary stakes. Please find all the recordings here.

Agora ‘faire autrement. vivre de joie. de la tactique des alliances entre luttes, émancipations, altérités radices’ (doing things differently. living from joy. the tactics of alliances between struggles, emancipation and radical otherness), 4 March 2023, as part of ‘Couper les fluides: alternatives pragmatopiques’ (Cutting fluids: pragmatopic alternatives). Organised by Marianne Derrien, with Elsa Brès, Romain Noël and Marion Zilio. Photo: Centre d'art contemporain de Malakoff.
Agora ‘faire autrement. vivre de joie. de la tactique des alliances entre luttes, émancipations, altérités radices’ (doing things differently. living from joy. the tactics of alliances between struggles, emancipation and radical otherness), 4 March 2023, as part of ‘Couper les fluides: alternatives pragmatopiques’ (Cutting fluids: pragmatopic alternatives). Organised by Marianne Derrien, with Elsa Brès, Romain Noël and Marion Zilio. Photo: Centre d'art contemporain de Malakoff.

Embodied Infrastructures and Other Tendencies for Collective Action

Cassandre Langlois is the laureate of the third edition of the TextWork Writing Grant

© Photos : Say Who / Michaël Huard
© Photos : Say Who / Michaël Huard

Books selection for the show "Crumbling the Antiseptic Beauty"

For the group show “Crumbling the Antiseptic Beauty”, curator David Douard and the artists have put together a constellation of books (essays, monographs, exhibition catalogs and fanzines). The full selection can be found on the central table of the Librairie de la Fondation.

La Traverse 7. Graphic Design: Studio Des Signes
La Traverse 7. Graphic Design: Studio Des Signes

La Traverse 7

Discover the new issue of La Traverse, Foundation Pernod Ricard's biannual journal.


Books selection for "La société des spectacles"

For the exhibition "La société des spectacles", with Farah Atassi and Ulla von Brandenburg, curator Marjolaine Lévy presents a selection of essays, articles, novels, and short story collections. The selection can be found on the central table of the Librairie de la Fondation.

Portrait of Cassandre Langlois. Credits: © Antoine Janot
Portrait of Cassandre Langlois. Credits: © Antoine Janot

Cassandre Langlois is the 2024 laureate of the TextWork Writing Grant

Sophie Podolski, <i>Sans titre (intérieur en coupe)</i>, s.d. Ink on paper. Collection of Musée d'art contemporain de la Haute-Vienne - Château de Rochechouart. ©Catherine Podolski.
Sophie Podolski, Sans titre (intérieur en coupe), s.d. Ink on paper. Collection of Musée d'art contemporain de la Haute-Vienne - Château de Rochechouart. ©Catherine Podolski.

City Rumours

Liza Maignan is the laureate of the second edition of the TextWork Writing Grant


La Traverse issue 6

Nouveau numéro du journal de la Fondation Pernod Ricard