
Launch of Pour des écoles d’art féministes ! 

Saturday 25 May 2024 at 5 pm

3pm to 5pm, at Bétonsalon
Launch of Sophie Orlando's book La Part affective (Paraguay Press) and conversation with Émilie Renard and Elena Lespes Muñoz.

5pm to 6:30pm, at Fondation Pernod Ricard
Launch of Pour des écoles d'art féministes! (2024), collective work co-published by ESACM and Tombolo Presses
with T*Félixe Kazi-Tani, Gærald Kurdian, Sophie Lapalu, Vinciane Mandrin, Michèle Martel, Sophie Orlando, Clémentine Palluy, Émilie Renard and Liv Schulman.

from 5 pm to 6:30 pm at Fondation Pernod Ricard
Launch of Pour des écoles d’art féministes ! (2024), collective book co-published by ESACM and Tombolo Presses

Programme: Presentation, readings, discussion, and stamping of the books with Sophie Lapalu, Michèle Martel, and Clémentine Palluy in charge of editorial coordination as well as contributors: T*Félixe Kazi-Tani, Gærald Kurdian, Vinciane Mandrin, Sophie Orlando, Émilie Renard, and Liv Schulman.

The book: Retranscribing a cycle of intersectional feminist lectures, interviews, workshops, and discussion groups in an art school is crucial to sharing empowering tools and shaking up the implicit criteria that structure our views and practices (identification with Western visual norms, romantic-capitalist representations of the artist-author...). We believe it is essential to give a voice to artists and those who support them in the ways they apprehend and thwart power relations.

The primary aim of this book is to share the content hosted and produced at the École Supérieure d’Art de Clermont Métropole between 2017 and 2022. It is also an opportunity to work with a group of students, artists, and researchers, to think about how to collectively elaborate invitations but also the creation of the book; it is a tool for collective and ideally horizontal pedagogical work at the heart of a hierarchical and hierarchizing institution. Invitations, transcription and editing of texts were done jointly.

Editorial coordination: Lilith Bodineau, Adèle Bornais, Nelly Catheland, Charlotte Durand, Martha Fely, Lola Fontanié, Eulalie Gornes, Chloé Grard, Sophie Lapalu, Eden Lebegue, Michèle Martel, Sarah Netter, Clémentine Palluy, Mauve Perolari, Simon Pastoors, Rune Segaut, Danaé Seigneur

Texts by: Nino André & Vinciane Mandrin, Rachele Borghi, Tadeo Cervantes, Adiaratou Diarrassouba, Kaoutar Harchi, T*Félixe Kazi-Tani, Nassira Hedjerassi, Gærald Kurdian, H.Alix Sanyas, Sophie Orlando, Émilie Renard, Liv Schulman, Danaé Seigneur, Pau Simon

Graphic design: Morgane Masse
300 pages
First edition: 700 copies


3pm to 5pm, at Bétonsalon
Launch of the book La Part affective (Paraguay Press) by Sophie Orlando and conversation with Émilie Renard and Elena Lespes Muñoz
And for parents coming with their children, in parallel, Beep beep!: flipbook workshop, for children aged 5 and over

In La Part affective, Sophie Orlando chronicles the recent transformations in the occupation and life of teachers. Her text talks about the porosities existing today in art schools between legitimate and minority knowledges. It gathers artists’ voices, inner monologues, class notes, student contributions to explain how pedagogical links are forged today, how they are based above all on the circulation of affects. The link between the intimate and the political makes it possible to write a renewed narrative about art.

Sophie Orlando is an author, art historian and researcher, professor in art history and theory at the École Nationale Supérieure, Villa Arson, Nice. She seeks to understand how artistic knowledge is produced and how it is denormalised. She has published numerous articles on identity politics, Black studies and contemporary art in Great Britain (Revue de l’art, Muséologie), and in particular on British Black Art (Critical interventions, Critique d’art). She conducted artist Sonia Boyce’s monography, Thoughtful disobedience (Les Presses du Réel / Villa Arson). She also co-edited an issue of the Cahiers du Mnam titled “Globalisées, mondialisées, contemporaines. Pratiques, productions et écritures de l’art aujourd’hui, 2023”. As a researcher in the AHRC programme “Black artists and Modernism” (2015-2018, UAL, Middlesex University, London), she co-directed with susan pui san lik and curator Nick Aikens the seminar then the digital book Conceptualism: Intersectional Readings, International Framings (Van Abbemuseum, 2019). Since 2019, she has been involved in critical approaches to art education. She runs a digital edition and a book collection, “La surface démange”, about critical, institutional and alternative pedagogies in art.


Bétonsalon - Centre for Art and Research
9 esplanade Pierre Vidal-Naquet
Ground Floor - Halle aux Farines building
In front of the Grands Moulins de Paris located on the campus of the Université de Paris
F- 75013 Paris

More information

Scan of the book Pour des écoles d'art féministes ! design : Morgane Masse
Scan of the book Pour des écoles d'art féministes ! design : Morgane Masse

T*Félixe Kazi-Tani
Gærald Kurdian
Sophie Lapalu
Vinciane Mandrin
Michèle Martel
Sophie Orlando
Clémentine Palluy
Émilie Renard
Liv Schulman

Fondation Pernod Ricard
1 cours Paul Ricard
75008 Paris
Free entrance
Free admission, without reservation
Cover of Sophie Orlando, La part affective, Paris, Paraguay Press, 2024.
Cover of Sophie Orlando, La part affective, Paris, Paraguay Press, 2024.