... And for a few dollars more

In June 2006 Stéphane Thidet brought together a group of artists at La Générale for the exhibition « Guet-Apens » [literally, « ambush, » but also the French title of Sam Peckinpah’s 1972 film « The Getaway »]. Julien Prévieux later reunited them at the Le Plateau/FRAC – Ile-de-France for another exhibition titled « La Position du tireur couché » [« the prone gunman, » also the title of a novel by Jean-Patrick Manchette].
Guet-Apens proposed that an exhibition could be put together like a dirty trick; La position du tireur couché revealed its preparations. Both were designed collectively and came out of a fictional process, with titles referring to cinema and literature. The last part of the triptych, « For a few dollars more, » will be designed and produced by the same team of artists.