Rien ne nous appartient : Offrir

Nothing Belongs to Us: Offer begins with a feeling. A tugging between the awareness of a reality asking to be clarified, and the wish that a work would always stay partly in the shadows.
In the shadows half lit bodies escape meaning and draw us in. They call out to be understood, but at the same time their approach is uncertain and promises no predetermined end. Along this path there is the possibility of voids, and, events.
Nothing Belongs to Us: Offer goes with this uncertainty. Contrary to direct lighting that intends to hinder the unsettling effects of indistinct bodies, the project invites us to open up to them. The environment, the production conditions, the viewers, are brought into play with the work like a moving ensemble in which the elements experience one another. Like a spy taking advantage of a situation, the elements, —whether human or not— that enter the ensemble can take part in it, take possession of some parts, and leave.
Nothing Belongs to Us: Offer is the fruit of a residency. In search of a zone of uncertainty, the participants were assembled beforehand. The place site and modalities of the exchange reflected the intention; a utopia, almost. Amid moments, the element of reverie and idleness missing from the recent history of exhibitions raised questions. Working with different mediums, coming from various regions of France or from the other side of the Atlantic, everyone shifted from his or her centre, then, step by step, applied their ideas under different conditions. This way of working through neighbourhood, superimposition and intersections led to a joint decision on the project and gave impetus to individual works.
Since nothing belongs to us, we will never stop wanting to offer.