Ludovic Boulard Le Fur

Ludovic Boulard Le Fur is the creator of continuous work, which has led him from series to series, from illustration to engraving, to carved wood, to sculpture, and more recently to oil painting.
In compositions that are a matter of shapelessness, the image is constructed by distinguishing eyes, faces and creatures. The work continues daily in modest, standard formats. The search for a form of representation tends to become the subject of his images. A panoramic unfolding of his work gently tells us about its evolution.
2008 DNSAP Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-arts de Paris (ENSBA)
2006 Exchange scholarship with the Canberra School of Art in Australia
2002 Master in Visual Communication ECV of Paris
Paréidolie, Centre social la Brunetière, Bergerac
Bienvenue, with Claire Chauvel, meeting at the workshop, Mouleydier
Livres réels et dessins récents, Galerie Treize, Paris, France
Les embruns du talus, Espace Xavier Violet, La Tranche Sur Mer (85), France
Tanneries Gallery, Nérac (47), France
Traquenard. COOP, Bidart (64), France
Centre d’art de Pollen, Monflanquin (47), France
Marzelles Museum, Marmande (47), France
Yeti-King, permanent installation, Private collection Xavier Cazard, Paris, France
Kiosque images, with Jeremy Boulard Le Fur, invitation magazine COLLECTION, Paris, France
Vestiges and fetishes, vestibule of La Maison Rouge, Paris, France
Loubard at the Atelier Katalin, works on paper, Paris, France
The Twentieth Fondation d’entreprise Ricard Prize, Fondation d’entreprise Ricard, Paris, FR
REALMS II, Jon Vaughn Police Station. Gordon Snelgrove Gallery, Saskatoon, Canada
Comment faire plaisir ? Curator Vidya Gastaldon, Body & Soul, Geneva, Switzerland
Invasions Barbares. MAC de Pérouges Ain, France
Démons et merveilles, Siauliai Gallery of Fine Arts, Lithuania. With Thomas Perino
Salon de Poncin Ain, France
Goldenfield, Champdor Castle, Ain, France
EINMAL IST KEINMAL (once only does not count), Celal Gallery. Paris, France
Underground, Revues alternatives, a world selection from 1960 to today
Fête du graphisme, 2nd edition, Cité internationale des Arts, Paris
Hanging 2014, Celal Gallery. Paris, France
36 Mountains, 2nd edition. Zagreb, Lubjiana, Paris. Croatia, Slovenia, France
Damnation Sauvage 2, Temple Vengeance, Mat Galerie, Montpellier, France
Extensions, Celal Gallery, Paris, France
Brûle Monsieur Carnaval, Centre d’art Les Passerelles, Pontault-Combault (77), France
Escape the Landscape. DogPig Gallery, Taiwan
Urban Brains, Celal Gallery. Paris, France
Dopple Ganger, Paris, France
Suite Kimono, Exhibition around Singeon, Lazer Quest Gallery. The Bloc. Paris, France
A place near Vahna. Stattberlin Gallery. Berlin, Germany
36 Mountains. Zagreb and Montpellier. Croatia, France
Spacejunk. Invitation by Morgan Navarro, Lyon and Montpellier, France
Grotesque. Gallery Le Mat. Montpellier, France
Stratos. Invitation by La Revue Collection. Centre d’art contemporain de Lacoux, Ain, France
Frédéric Magazine. Jean-Marc Thévenet Gallery. Paris, France
Rock. Voskel Gallery, Paris, France
Screenophrenia 1 and 2, 38 Quai Notre-Dame, Lille. You Art Gallery, Liège, Belgium
Lucid dreams, Invitation by Mark Murphy, San Diego, USA
Pink Poseidon 6th edition, Place Forte Gallery, Paris, France
L’ivresse des cîmes, Galerie Ra, Antwerp, Belgium
CHIC DESSINS, Cabinet de dessin contemporain, Paris, France
Whatever they feel, invitation by Anna Parkina, Wilkinson Gallery, London, England
Rencontres, 6B, Saint-Denis, France
Summer Group Show, Fat Galerie, Paris, France
Rue des promenades, L’USINE, Paris, France
Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, 64th edition, Paris, France
Est-ce ainsi que les hommes vivent, Talmart Gallery, Paris, France
Viral Kabal, Pink Poseidon. Paris 11, France
Parcours d’artistes, Pontault-combault (77), France
Singular and Solitary, CROUS-Beaux-arts Gallery, Paris, France
Jeune création, exhibition and performance, Paris La villette, France
Géants, performance. Collective Drawings, ENSBA Paris, France
Salon des 109, Paris, France
Embarquons-nous, Travelling exhibition on a sailboat, Brittany, France
Vitrine Frédéric Magazine, No Good Window Gallery, Paris, France
Revue Politique, Fltmstpc Editions. France Fiction Gallery, Paris, France
The moth symposium, Canberra, Australia
Face, Canberra, Australia
1/X, ENSBA right gallery. Paris, France
2015 Magazine COLLECTION Blog
2014 Regular interviews:
2013 étapes, Number 214 Special drawing, section « Transcend drawing ».
Posca Interview:
2012 France 2, Interview for the Emission Grand Public. street art. December 14
2010 COLLECTION # 1 Magazine, 10 pages of interviews and reproductions of works.
2018 Les Crocs électriques, number 130
2014 Traquenard, Pollen Monflanquin Editions, accompanying the eponymous exhibition.
2011 Invitation to the Maison Jaune, text by Thierry Calvet, editions Rue des promenades
2009 BAZAR # 52, Fltmstpc Editions
Decapitron # 19, Shoboshobo Editions
2004 Le cantique de lumière, linocuts. Yoni Bin’s story, self-published
2003 MOUSSDIOUF no : 1, auto publication
2018 REALMS II. Book of 314 pages. With 108 international artists. Curator Jon Vaughn
2017 Blanco experimental online magazine
Fight mondo Zero edition, 300 copies, 52 pages
2015 Lynx, Ain newspaper at free price. Codirection and Illustration
2014 Hopital Brut 10, Dernier Cri Editions
Super-Structure / Bolides, Journal de dessins, éditions François de Jonge
Poursuite Kimono, Book gathering 27 artists invited by Singeon
Lagon, 380 pages book printed in riso and silkscreen. 33 artists.
2013 Super-Structure / Cabanes, Journal de dessins, éditions François de Jonge
Poum. Book gathering 15 artists. Edited by Jean-Baptiste Couronne and Alexandre Léger
2012 Triangular Book, L’articho editions
2011 Frédéric Magazine, publish Les Requins Marteaux.
Avorton1 and 2, screen-printed books Editions Mathieu Desjardins
Headache, Editions du Livre
2010 Rêveries Animales, book in serigraphy, ATUO editions
2009 Shinning Magazine # 8/ Pleasure, digital book
Lazer Magazine, free monthly fanzine
Na magazine # 1, Modern Spleen, free drawing newspaper and comics at 20 000 copies
Nazi Knife # 5, Fltmstpc Editions
2008 Rebel Assault, final issue of the collective Kung Fu magazine
2006 Le Club des 5, weekly magazine of the Kung Fu collective. N°35 : The vacuum
Frédéric Magazine, daily review, 57.
2005 Du lundi au lundi, Direction of the review of drawings, 10 numéros. Lucien Laberlu Publishing
Politique No. 2, Fltmstpc Editions
2018 Residence at the social centre of La Brunetière, Bergerac
2014 Le vif et l’inerte, Workshop at the Centre d’Art Contemporain de Lacoux (Ain)
2013 Residence Eros ou le paysage, Espace Eric des gorges, Mons La Trivalle (Hérault)
2012 Residence at La maison du poète, Serigraphy, Ecole nationale des Beaux Arts de Nîmes
2004 Residency at the Italian-Swedish Foundation, large format wood engraving, Venice, Italy
2015 Documents d’artistes of Rhone-Alpes
2014 Creation grant. Direction régionale d’art contemporain d’île de France
2013 1st prize Posca competition / surfboard / Rip Curl, travelling exhibition
2018 Paravant. Duo commission with artist Claire Chauvel
2016 Teorama. Edition of a silk scarf.
2015 Festival OFF d’Angoulême, Silkscreen postcard.
T-shirt for Phenüm brand
2014, participation in the contemporary design sales site
Fanzines! Festival. 10×10, 100 invited artists, Paris, France
Lecture at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts du Havre, edition of a phosphorescent serigraphy
Sticker for Radio campus, broadcast « Accords Électriques » on symphonic metal
2012 Edition of a silk scarf with L’Institut Sérigraphique, galerie du Jour agnès B, Paris
2011 Tatoos decals with the editions Rue des promenades, la Maison rouge, Paris
2010 Participation in the entrance jury of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Paris
Poster and wallpaper, underground music festival. Amsterdam, Netherlands
2008 Guardians Video: 4 min animated film with Vladimir Manouvia-kouka