Le Vingtième Prix de la Fondation d'entreprise Ricard

“For 20 years, the Fondation d’entreprise Ricard Prize has been supporting and helping build the French art scene in its structures, hierarchies, methods and forms. Year after year, it legitimizes the practices of artists, curators and institutions, while establishing melodic contrasts when it invites artists to do curation and curators to do art.
Although, more broadly, the torch-passing and role-usurping games between authors, actors, commentators, settings, dedicated and non-dedicated sites, inside and outside, with and without, together, alone and constrained, new and used, free and unfree could constitute a subject, today it seems that these systematic decompartmentalizations have become models of exhibition conception.
So although everything has been said and refuted, validation authorities remain legitimate while no longer representing a concern for artists. Artistic practices are emerging that are no longer about calibration at any cost, nor about opposition formats. The commitment is complete, and is more casual than vindictive. The purposeful lack of definition in these productions is not intended as a statement. It refocuses works on what this introduction avoids evoking in a drawn-out paradox: art and its experimentation.
The exhibition The Twentieth Fondation d’entreprise Ricard Prize attempts to respect the modalities of its existence while showing this movement, whose main actors are not concerned.
Happy anniversary and thank you. »