Timothée Calame

Born in Geneva in 1991, lives in Marseille and Geneva.
« I am in search of unknown techniques of representation, of improbable ways of speaking about the world, notably by combining signifiers of distant and diverse origins. I am looking for definitions, while avoiding the definitive. I am looking for ways to experience with interest what is foreign to me. All this from my innate condition of individual.
-Timothée Calame
Timothée Calame’s main working method is to maintain himself in a permanent state of research, which is materialized by the production of objects of different natures, often in connection with daily life: sculpture, furniture, object, drawing, writing, photography, video, sound, performance. So many means at the service of a will to apprehend the mechanisms of our world, the structures of our ways of life: from the depths of existence to the miracle of life, from public fictions to intimate experiences; all with a dose of humor.
Selection of personal exhibitions
Transit Times, Weiss Falk, Basel
Kino Süd, Weiss Falk, online
The average and the typical, Édouard Montassut, Paris
Altera, Center for Contemporary Publishing, Geneva
Affinities, with Alan Schmalz, Weiss Falk, Basel
INTER, MAMCO, Geneva (Prix Manor de Genève 2017)
Curriculum, Swiss Institute, New York
Palazzo Inverno, with Alan Schmalz, Forde, Geneva
Publique, Édouard Montassut, Paris
Spring 2016, Weiss Falk, Basel
Galerie Putsch, with Emanuel Rossetti, Marbriers 4, Geneva
O-Tonomia, Hacienda, Zurich
Selection of group exhibitions
Art en plein air, Môtiers
Inventory, MAMCO, Geneva
Sur Pierres Brûlantes, Friche de la Belle de Mai, Marseille
Sculpture Garden, Biennale of public art, Parc des Eaux-Vives, Geneva
Metamorphosis Overdrive, Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, Saint-Gallen
A Spaghetti Dress for World Peace, Park View, Los Angeles
Timothée Calame, Samuel Jeffery and Tiphanie Kim Mall, Gaudel de Stampa, Paris
Timothée Calame and Alan Schmalz, Independent, Truth and Consequences, Brussels
Screamscape, with Arthur Fink, Fri-Art, Fribourg
Il Progetto del Terzo Giorno, Istituto Svizzero, Milan
Mobfo’ Vodka, performance, New Jerseyy, Basel
Iron People, ZABRISKIEPOINT, Geneva
Hotel Abisso, Center for Contemporary Art, Geneva
Genealogical Travelling, Marbriers 4, Geneva
Lumpen Zone n°1, with Alan Schmalz, Grand Café des Mouettes, Festival Images, Vevey
Guru Guru, with Alan Schmalz and Tobby Landei, Espace Labo, Geneva