Exhibition Ça & là (This & There)

I have been invited to realize an exhibition for the 10th anniversary of the Pavillon Neuflize OBC, Palais de Tokyo Laboratory for Creation by Ange Leccia and Christian Merlhiot, creators and holders of this laboratory and Colette Barbier and the Fondation d’entreprise Ricard that will host this project. Along with the exhibition at the Foundation space, I have proposed to the participants to show a work, to make an intervention, in the space and media of their choice, that is to say that this space will be a fully element of their work. The title of the exhibition is «This & There». It focuses on the pair, object (or action) and place. It also plays with the two common and unsolved expressions «This and that» and «Here and there». The intent is to create situations that at the same time question and prompt connections with the occupied environment. Concretely, works will be visible in public spaces: museums, streets, metro stations; in private spaces: shops, flats; and in virtual spaces: web sites, blogs.
The exhibition will show installations from Haizea Barcenilla Garcia, Davide Bertocchi, Gaëlle Boucand, Guillaume Bruère, Isabelle Cornaro, Andreas Fogarasi, André Guedes, Morten Norbye Halvorsen, Anthony Lanzenberg, Adriana Lara, Seulgi Lee, Jaime Lutzo, Benoît Maire, Ariane Michel, Charlotte Moth, Jorge Pedro Nùñez, Gerald Petit, Fabrice Pichat, Samir Ramdani & Serge Stephan, Julia Rometti & Victor Costales, Axel Straschnoy, Iris Touliatou, Apichatpong Weerasethakul & Chaisiri Jiwarangsan, books from Andrea Acosta, Davide Cascio, web sites from Jérôme Allavena, Einat Amir, Benjamin Lee Martin, Noëlle Pujol, sound pieces from Meris Angioletti, José Arnaud Bello, Marcelline Delbecq, Emma Dusong, Denis Savary, Stéphane Vigny, performances from Pedro Barateiro, Alex Cecchetti, Louise Hervé & Chloé Maillet, Isa Griese, Alice Guareschi, k.g. Guttman, Estelle Nabeyrat, Emilie Renard, Matteo Rubbi, Koki Tanaka, magazine contributions from Ziad Antar, Liliana Basarab, Kim Seob Boninsegni & Danaé Panchaud, mail sendings from Detanico/Lain, Ramiro Guerreiro, Jorge Satorre, films from Louidgi Beltrame, Christelle Lheureux, Wagner Morales, urban interventions from Fanny Adler, Quentin Armand, Charlotte Beaurepaire & Franck Gouéry, Patrick Bock, Hsia-Fei Chang, Elisabeth S. Clark, Sophie Dubosc, Adriana García Galán, Niklas Goldbach, Emily Joyce, Agnieszka Kurant, Marie Maillard, Olive Martin, Nicolas Milhé, Emilie Pitoiset, Matteo Rubbi, Charlotte Seidel, Jirí Skála, Gilles Toutevoix, Adam Vackar.
Claude Closky