Maurice Benayoun
Né en 1957, il vit et travaille entre Paris et Hong Kong.
EXPOSITIONS (sélection)
Hong Kong City, different urban venues, The 4th Large Scale Media Art Exhibition : Fleeting Light,
festival of artists’ works co-curated by Maurice Benayoun and Jeffrey
Shaw, various locations in Hong Kong incl. ICC Building, Tamar Park,
CityU Creative Media Centre
Chi K11 Art SPACE, Shanghai, Emotion Winds, video-Internet installation, ”Metamorphosis of the Virtual”, curator David Rosenberg, Shanghai, Chine
Espace Pierre Cardin, Paris, Emotion Winds, Furtive Video, 20th Anniversary of ISEA Multimedia, curator Françoise Schmitt (IESA)
Microwave International Media Art Festival 2013, Emotion Forecast,
video display, Internet, curator Joel Kwong, Run Run Shaw Creative
Media Centre, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Bozar, Academy of Art, Digiconnect ICT and Art Connect Event, Emotion Forecast, video, screen, Internet, curator Mylène Lauzon , Bruxelles
FAD, Foment de les Arts i del Disseny, ACM Multimedia, Emotion Forecast, video, screen, Internet, ACM Multimedia 2013, curator Marc Cavazza, Madrid
La Gaité Lyrique, Emotion Forecast, « Google, L’air du temps numérique », curator Anne-Cécile Worms, DigitalArti, Paris
Seoul Square façade, Media Prism, E-SCAPE, TODAY! urban screen, Seoul
Creative Media Center, School of creative Media,Museall, ,
Nodem Symposium exhibition, interactive museum installation, Network of
design and cultural heritage, Curators Jeffrey Shaw and Sarah
Kenderdine, City University of Hong Kong